Bookworm Gardens Teen Ambassador Program
Calling all teens! Let’s get involved in fostering the love of books and nature in the young and young at heart.
The Ambassador Program will provide students (grades 6th - 12th) with opportunities to:
Foster positive relationships with Bookworm Gardens staff and visitors (children and adults)
Work on job skills such as teamwork, communication and leadership
Explore Bookworm Gardens and learn about different garden spaces
The Ambassador Program is a 4 -tier program that allows middle and high schoolers to grow their way through our programming. It will provide teens with a way to get involved, get life experiences, and earn stipends. The ambassador program runs June - October—with a majority happening in Summer. Ambassadors must provide their own transportation to and from the event.
The Breakdown:
Tier 1
Open to students going into 6th - 12th grade
Volunteer opportunities of any time amount — focusing on events and programs (not available to help with camp)
Click here to be a Tier 1 Ambassador!
Tiers 2 - 4 must be available for a virtual interview to qualify for the position. Please note this is a competitive position; not all that apply will be guaranteed a position. Scroll to the bottom to apply for Tiers 2 - 4.
Tier 2
Students must be going into at least 7th grade (can be older)
Must be available to work 2 weeks of Summer (please note you will be scheduled for a minimum of 1 week)
Hours will be Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Must attend a training shift
Must work an event shift
Receive Bookworm Gardens t-shirt
Receive 25 - 45 volunteer hours (20 - 40 hours of camp + 5 hours of events)
Gift Card Bonus for perfect attendance
Tier 3
Students must be going into at least 9th grade (or older)
Must be available to work 2 or 3 weeks of Summer
Hours will be Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Must attend a training shift
Must work 2 event shifts
Receive Bookworm Gardens t-shirt
Be able to choose between full volunteer hours (50 hours) or stipend ($150) + 25 volunteer hours
Gift Card Bonus for perfect attendance
Tier 4
Students must be going into at least 11th grade (or older)
Must be available to work 3 - 4 weeks of Summer
Hours will be Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Must attend a training shift
Must work 3 event shifts
Receive Bookworm Gardens t-shirt
Be able to choose between full volunteer hours (50 - 70 hours) or stipend ($300-$450)
Gift Card Bonus for perfect attendance
Click here to ApplY for Tiers 2 - 4!
For more information, please contact Jordan Nickels, School and Youth Programs Manager, at