Little Free Library brings Read in Color to Sheboygan

Read in Color was a grant awarded to Bookworm Gardens in 2023 that brought diverse books to Little Free Library book-sharing boxes. Read in Color believes everyone should be able to see themselves in the pages of a book.

Sheboygan is categorized as a “book desert” with low access to books in individual households. Bookworm Gardens has planted 10 book-sharing boxes throughout the community to increase access to diverse literature!

Additional Partners Included:

  • Grant Partner: Little Free Library

  • Corporate Partner: Kohler Company

  • Funding Partners: First Congregational Church of Sheboygan, Garton Family Foundation, Kohler Foundation Inc.

  • Book Partner: WordHaven BookHouse

  • Local Author Partner: Charm Der of My Happiness Counts

Here are some ways you can support:

Share Books: If you have any books in good condition that you’d like to share, please feel free to share them in any of the Little Free Libraries located throughout town!

Buy Books: We’ve also created a registry on Amazon. Books received will be dispersed in the Little Free Libraries.

Donate: Give to the project online through a donation to Bookworm Gardens!

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